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2019 summer blogging challenge

Today’s blog post is a little different. It’s mostly about me and about blogging. next week I’ll be back to posting my regular pet articles.

Today I am participating in the summer blogging challenge hosted by my mother Nancy at Nancy’s Point. This is a way for bloggers to support one another.

If you have a blog and would like to participate in this challenge, all you have to do is write a post on your own site answering the following 14 questions.

Then, check out Nancy’s Point’s short article here and scroll down to the end of the post to get the blog hop link and code. That way, you can add your own site to the blog hop for others to find you.

2019 blog Hop challenge Questions

1. Wer bist du? Share something about yourself, the name of your blog and its “mission,” or whatever you want.

I’m Lindsay, the founder of the canine training blog That Mutt. My blog’s “mission” is to help people and dogs with training issues so much more dogs get to stay in their original homes and out of shelters.

My mother Nancy started this blog hop on her blog Nancy’s Point. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 and now writes about breast cancer and other topics on her blog.

2. have you ever participated in a blog hop before?

Yes, in the pet blogging space. You can read it here.

3. What’s your favorite sort of blog post to write and/or read?

Informational articles with sources and research to back it up but also personal experience.

I read mostly personal development, company and running blogs. and in the pet space – Patricia McConnell’s blog and Jon Katz’s blog.

4. describe yourself in three words. Yes, just three!

Thoughtful, strong, focused

5. name three of your favorite books from your youth that had an impact on you.

Go Dogs Go! (obviously!), The long winter season or many of the little house books, The Giver

6. What are you reading best now?

Always personal development or company books. best now I’m re-reading “Rest” by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang. It’s about making sure to take time away from work to re-charge and focus on big picture goals.

7. What’s your favorite dessert of all time?

Probably chocolate pudding pie with amazing whip.

8. tell us about a special pet you have, had, or would like to have.

My mutt Ace was a black lab mix and the best canine in the world! easy going, gentle and lived to make his people happy!

Right now I have a very different canine – a friendly but challenging young weimaraner!

I can’t decide what kind of canine to add to our family next … another easygoing Lab-type or another high-energy maniac like a border collie!

9. What’s something people don’t know about you and might be amazed to learn?

I ran over 10,000 miles in a few years with clients’ dogs at my side when I owned a canine running business.

I stopped keeping track of the miles at that point but continued on for several much more years.

10. Do you believe healthcare is a privilege or a right?

It’s a privilege. I wish everyone in the world had access to any healthcare but some people don’t even have the privilege of clean water or healthy food, let alone medicine. I take these things for granted.

11. What’s your favorite thing about blogging or reading blogs?

Writing seems to be my purpose in life, so without it I’m pretty lost. writing is one of my favorite things in my life.

When reading blogs, I try to set everything else aside and focus on the post I’m reading, so it’s relaxing.

12. What’s something you really suck at?

I was on the swim team in high school and physically cannot do the breaststroke kick. I got disqualified for it in a meet, even. My legs just cannot do that frog kick!

13. What’s something you’re pretty good at?

I’m good at fostering dogs from shelters/pounds.

I know how to balance time for them to decompress from shelter life and give them their space from my own animals. I know how to help them through training and a ton of exercise and how to help them show off their best side when meeting potential adopters.

One of my foster dogs, Cosmo

14. how do you escape from the worries of life in general?

I escape life with a long run (like several hours) with my canine in nature. Or reading a book with coffee and my cat in my lap and my phone put away.

But that’s enough from me …

In the comments, let me know, what do you like about reading That Mutt or other bloGS?

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